I have been given a brand new life jacket. Up to the present I have relied on buoyancy aids, which are bulky, and are not guaranteed to keep your head above water in a serious accident.
The life jacket is neater and much less of an obstruction to movement. What is more, the moment it hits the water it inflates automatically and is transformed into something much more like a huge bag floating on the surface of the water. So should I fall in, I can look forward to bobbing about on the waves until someone obligingly comes to the rescue. It is reassuring to know that in the moment of danger immediate help is at hand. Provided I have remembered to wear it in the first place!
Meditating on Psalm 62:1 & Psalm 41:1
“Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress I shall never be shaken.”
Psalm 41:1 “Blessed are those who have regard for the weak, the Lord delivers them in time of trouble. The Lord protects them and preserves them – they are counted among the blessed in the land – he does not give them over to the desire of their foes.”
Concentrating on Jesus
Your birth right and inheritance is rest. Rest because you are justified, adopted, born again into My family. Yet I have given you training and skill to find rest. For there are times to find rest and to find comfort. You find it by concentrating your faith upon Me rather than on lesser things, and by devoting yourself to praise and to worship, yes and to rejoicing in your God. You find it by consciously taking your seat in the heavenly places where you belong.
He is Our Rock
You find it also by having regard for the weak, by reaching out your hand to help others in self-giving. You find it in a true sense of proportion and confidence in me. Trust in Me for everything, for I am totally worthy of your trust. Truly I am your Rock and your fortress. I do indeed deliver my people from the hand of the oppressor and from those too strong for them. Remember these truths and walk in the light of them. I will not give you over to your foes, for I am for you and who can be against you? Take courage then, and be strong. For I know the way, and you shall walk it in peace.