The charge I have against you, who call me Lord and you would not do the will of my father; Repent and humble yourselves, for the hour cometh when…
Have you felt my frustration? You have an abundance to share, even as l have so much more to give. My heart bursts from the pain that no one desires to eat and drink with me. Many no longer hunger or thirst for my presence any more. The Lord is saying if you will not come to the banquette, I will go to the streets and bring in beggars and they shall have the portion that was set aside for my Church. Have I not said it in my word? Why do you not heed my word?
Scared of Losing your Reputation?
And when you go out having been fed, you keep that which I have given FREELY and hid it…For fear of man and for fear of losing your reputation. Should I break your reputation so you will fear more? And to show the kind of love I have towards you. What kind of relationship will that be?
How I long for a bride given and suppliant desirous of my company and my word upon her ear. Who speaks of me in the home and the marketplace? Even by the wayside and in the store? Speaking to her children, her brothers, sisters, parents, friends, enemies, kings, the government, authorities, prisoners, and the lost? Your “things” of this world are more precious to you and even the blessings of the past are more desired than my presence here today. You seek blessings on yourself for the things of this world and do not share my compassion and love for the lost. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth, as the lost walk towards the pit without being told of the great love of the father.
You seek blessings on yourself for the things of this world and do not share my compassion and love for the lost. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth…
Humble yourselves today
The charge I have against you, who call me Lord and you would not do the will of my father; Repent and humble yourselves, for the hour cometh when the time will run out. Come away with me my beloved, and while you wait for the bridegroom to appear, tell everyone the Good News. My love is enough for all.
The worker who came last to the field was paid the same as the first, for the Father loved the world so much that He gave so much that everyone should not perish, but come to the saving Knowledge of the grace and the cross.
Glorify me in all the earth and dig your treasure up, using it, for the kingdom of God is at hand!!