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Too Posh for Purpose

A young man graciously dressed in a black suit that best described been too posh for purpose.

Many people are too posh for purpose, that is, what God has intended for them. Consciously or unconsciously, they walk out of God’s purpose for their lives, which makes it difficult for them to find happiness and meaning in their existence. Many people are only existing and not living because they have told God that they cannot practically do what He is asking them to do. Some people are too holy to sit together with the sinners.

They forgot that they are sinners, were born in sin, and still live in sin. In some churches today, you hear people say, “I cannot sit with this person because she smells of alcohol or has not had her bath”, probably because they are homeless, so they smell, and many have, because of this, left the church. Meanwhile, God placed us in such a church community to transform these people’s lives with our resources (to be a blessing), but our too-posh-for-purpose mentality had denied the recipients these blessings.

On the other hand, unforgiveness is another poshness in some people’s lives; they are too posh to let go or forgive those who have offended them. Unforgiveness is a pride-dominated behaviour that can cause some illnesses in the body. If you don’t forgive, you can’t be forgiven. Due to unforgiveness, many have walked away from their purpose. Loving others as we love ourselves is one of Jesus’s commands for us all, but not being able to love others has moved many away from their purpose. How can loving someone help me in fulfilling my purpose? You may ask. I’ve discovered that our satisfaction and fulfilment often come when we are a blessing or become a blessing to others, not ourselves alone.

Why should I marry someone not of my class have had many missed their God-given husbands or wives, and many have missed God’s purpose for their lives. In 1 Kings 11, Solomon married many princesses to match his status, but these princesses were against God’s purpose for his life, and God dealt with him. 

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Many people have missed their purpose because of the power God gave to them to be used for His glory. Many leaders and pastors have failed in their position of power, forgetting they were in such a position for a reason, not to lord it over their subordinates or become defiant to their parents. Samson was disobedient to his parents’ instructions about whom to marry; he was too powerful for God in his own eyes and could not complete God’s purpose for his life. 

Jonah was another character whose pride led him in the opposite direction of God’s purpose and assignment for his life; he believed he knew more than God and could question why he needed to go to the people of Nineveh. His self-righteousness nearly pushed him away from his purpose if not for God’s intervention. What’s God asking you to do that you feel is too low for your standard, or are you too educated to sit or dine with the illiterates? God is asking you to come down to the level of the people He has sent you to and be able to reach out to them for the sake of the gospel.

What would have happened to us if Jesus had not left his throne to come to the Earth? If He had not become a sinner so we could be free from the condemnation, I’m not sure what would have become of us. If the Lord wasn’t too posh to come to the family of a carpenter; if the saviour of the world didn’t feel too embarrassed to be born in a manger, among the animals and did not feel too proud to be hung on a tree, then why should you a mortal man find it hard to do just what He asked you to do.

Don’t be too full of yourself, be fit for purpose, not too posh for purpose.

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