Do you want to jump in the pool since its potency is seasonal? Are you ready to focus on getting that one thing?
In Jerusalem there is a pool with 5 porches called Bethsaida. The pool is not a pool for relaxation or recreation. People choose any of the porches to stay and watch with close intent. Why were they watching a pool with such seriousness and concentration you might ask? Is there any special sight-seeing that the pool has, that required such attention? Yes, your guess is good as mine, there is something special that happens occasionally in this pool. The angel comes once in a while and only those who have positioned themselves well for the stirring of the pool experience the required visitation with regards to whatever their circumstance or situation might be. “Right positioning in your place gives you all your answers”
Any Excuses?
The question now is, what is that pool that is around you? Is there even any pool around you at all? Are you even aware there is a pool? And if there is, what is it, and would you like to get in or make excuses like the man in this scriptural episode? (John 5:5).
The pool could be an opportunity around you or healing. Do you want to jump in the pool since its potency is seasonal? Are you ready to focus on getting that one thing? A pool of healing is here, would you like to jump in and be healed? Some people don’t want to be healed, they’re so immersed in their illness that they can’t even recognize healing when they see one. They don’t even know if they wanted to be healed, let alone jumping in the pool (John 5:6). When Jesus asked the man who had been sick for 38 years if he wanted to be healed, he gave an invalid answer (John 5:7). Are you making excuses or you want to jump into that pool of healing at the feet of Jesus Christ?
Are you Just Sitting?
However, yours might not even be healing; it might be career or business opportunity. Are you sitting down and just singing the song “change is gonna come when the pandemic is over” with little or no effort of taking a step towards achieving the goal or getting healed?
Well, as the year ends in couple of months, the pool is still there waiting for you to jump in. The only thing is that the potency of the pool is seasonal, so you might have to be decisive and fast with it. Some are waiting and watching for that crucial time to jump, so you have got to be ready. Are you ready to watch and wait? Not only through prayer and fasting, but by taking action in line with your God-given purpose?
Ready, Steady, Jump!