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The True Messiah

Defence for the Bodily Resurrection of Christ – (1 Corinthians 15)

The truth of the bodily resurrection of Christ cannot be replaced by any form of strange belief or critical review. Paul wrote in his epistle to the 1 Corinthians 15:3-8.

For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time.

The Resurrection Evidences

The Mission Body – In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul mentioned that Christ rose on the third day. It implies that Jesus’ body was no longer there after the third day. The tomb was empty and more than 500 people saw Jesus before he ascended to heaven. Also this resurrection episode is narrated in Luke 24:1-8.

The Disciples Died for what they Believed – If the gospel was a lie, the apostles would not have taken a decision to die. Who would decide to die for what is not real?

Sceptics – Some did not believe in the resurrection of Christ and Jesus appeared so that and they later took a decision to follow him and were ready to even die for this course. James was a man Jesus appeared to. He came back to lead the church and he even died for his belief in Christ.

Paul Met Christ – Another evidence was the conversion of Saul, later changed to Paul. He also gave critical evidence that Christ is Messiah. This was his testimony of Grace.

There Was a Cultural Change – A Social Influence

The Cultural belief of the Jews remains the same

  1. The major cultural change is that Christ remains the only sacrifice which for them is a change. There was no need to look for an alternative sacrifice from time to time any more.
  2. Sabbath Worship – Sunday worship started amongst the Jewish people
  3. One God – Godhead, meaning Christ is God
  4. Christians then believed that Christ purposely came to the world to die for our sins and to save us.
  5. The New Life in Christ – We are no longer under the law of Moses, as we have all be set free from death by the resurrection of Christ.
  6. People from all works of life have had their lives transformed by the truth of the existence of Jesus Christ.

Walvoord (1963:99) argued that “the resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the fundamental truths of Christian faith”. He stated further that apostles actually followed through with their faith testimonies as a result of the experience of the bodily resurrection of Jesus, as this strengthened their faith in Jesus. Walvoord (1963) further argued that a lot of liberals and neo-orthodux critics and scholars have refuted the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. According to him, though they do not have any strong evidence to back up this claim, their theory has been revealed as confusing. They have proved that Christ’s resurrection is only a spiritual sense and not bodily. According to Walvoord (1963:99);

Conservative scholarship has demonstrated for many generations that the Scriptural accounts are self-sustaining, that they do not contain differences which cannot be reconciled, and in fact offer a web of interrelated facts which make the resurrection of Christ one of the best attested facts of the ancient world. If Scripture may be considered as reliable and infallible revelation, it is found to unfold a marvellous doctrine of resurrection as illustrated in the resurrection of Christ Himself. The resurrection body of Christ is not only an important aspect of Scriptural revelation unfolding in the nature of Christ’s resurrection, but it is significant of the fact and character of the resurrection which believers in Christ may anticipate.

Bowman and Komoszewski (2007) are of the opinion that Jesus gave a tough time to the critics and the religious leaders in confidently proclaiming himself to be the Messiah and not just another prophet or teacher of the law. The question here is “how does he want to attain the position of Messiah if he was killed on the cross. It can then be confirmed by the account of the gospel about Christ’s bodily resurrection and ascending to the Father, sitting by him as our advocate, and not only that, but waiting to come back again – the second coming.

According to the claim six of Bock and Wallace (2007:195), it was stated about the family tomb of Jesus in a documentary that Jesus was buried in an era where people are “buried in that tomb and after one year they decompose, and the family gather their bones together and place them in an Ossuary”. A couple of steps have been mentioned in by Bock and Wallace, in backing up this claim but it has been argued that all the inscriptions on the wall in tomb can be traced to just two hand writings and they have all been forged. The claim also postulated that Jesus was just a historical person. According to Bock and Wallace (2007:197);

Regardless of the belief and theological claims against the divinity of Jesus Christ, it is evident from the Holy Scriptures that Jesus Christ died and rose again on the third day. This is the core and bedrock of our faith. In the light of this, as many that will believe in their heart and confess with their mouth, to them, life is given and they have escaped from death with the assurance of eternal security. It will also release them from darkness to light. Jesus Christ is the true Messiah.

Excerpts from Doctoral Thesis (Christology) by Ayodele Afuye [December 2019]

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