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The Mystery of Godliness

When we go on holidays abroad, we usually believe that the pilot would fly us safely to our destination by faith and trust even when we have not seen him or known him before. Why then do some people find it difficult to trust God and accept this holy truth by faith?

God needed to pave the way to redeem us back to himself. In so doing, the threefold personality (Father, Son and Holy spirit) of one God had a meeting and decided that God the Father would recreate Adam the first man, who was a son of God. He was the one that ate the forbidden sinful fruit in the garden Eden. This recreation was to be conceived in the womb of a virgin called Mary as she was overshadowed with the Holy Spirit (she did not sleep with a man). Subsequently, she gave birth to the son that has the Sacred Blood and DNA of God his Father. He would then be sacrificed and crucified on the cross and it will be acceptable to God as the substitute lamb whose blood takes away the sin of the whole world.  According to the Bible, all of these were pre-planned even before Adam and the world were created.

Now this second Adam is Jesus or Isa, or Yeshua which means salvation. This may sound foolish to some people but it is 100% true. The life of humans are in their natural sacred blood so if somebody loses his or her blood he loses his life and probably will die. Jesus had the eternal DNA and the LIFE of God in his BLOOD and he poured it out and did a kind of blood transfusion or exchange to bring us back to God and purchased this ETERNAL life of God for us. This was what Adam lost in the garden of Eden.

Some people argue that we cannot see God so He may not be that real. But we also cannot see the air and oxygen that we breathe in but it is very vital for our very existence.

Same with God and sometimes we can perceive him or see his effects like when the wind blows on the trees. The Hospital blood banks advises us to “give blood and save life”. Amazingly, Jesus gave blood to save our natural and eternal lives. Listen to this, “for since God in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never know him through human wisdom, he has used our foolish preaching (of the death on the cross) to save those who believe.” 1 Corinthians 1 Verse 21.

I once told my older brother that he was very foolish to believe that Jesus died for him. But after many years I discovered the truth myself and realized that I was the foolish one.

Embracing this Salvation and Truth is a personal choice that everyone has to make, whether we think we are religious or not. “I am the way, THE truth and the life, no man can go to the father “without going through me.” John 14 verse 6.

Please note that this is not a truth or one of the truths but the TRUTH himself as a person.

“The lamb slain before the foundation of the world.” Revelation 13 verse 8. God is not trying to patch it up or mop up the mess. He already knew that Adam would sin because he gave him a free will and free choice, but he provided a way to perfect him even before Adam or the world was created. The Almighty God does not force people to follow Him or religious beliefs. It is only the devil that forces and enslaves humans with or without religion. It Is a mystery of Godliness and needs some elements of faith to understand.

When we go on holidays abroad, we usually believe that the pilot would fly us safely to our destination by faith and trust even when we have not seen him or known him before. Why then do some people find it difficult to trust God and accept this holy truth by faith?

There is one God and one Mediator (bridge) between God and men, the Man Jesus Christ. He is 100% God and 100% Man. God needed to visit us in the flesh, and He can take any form He chooses because He is God. Some people say that Jesus is a Messenger and a Prophet. Yes, He is that too as a Man and you know that every Messenger and Prophet will carry a message. His message is this; “I am the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the whole world. Again, He also said, “a good shepherd will lay down his life for the sheep just to save them even to the point of losing his own live.”

We repeat “It is appointed unto men to die once but after that judgement” Hebrews 9 verse 27. God is going to judge everyone more than the Crown Courts do in the UK but with his own Spiritual and Divine Laws and not by our own beliefs. So, He is not going to think to change the law because I am a good or bad Christian, or Atheist. No, the same standard of judgement will apply to everyone. I remember once a police officer stopped me at the city centre in Manchester. In my confusion of the streets I had mistakenly jumped the red light. He taught me a very hard lesson. I tried to apologise to him saying that I am sorry, I wasn’t aware the lights had turned red. I was also not initially aware that he was following me on a bike and flagging me to stop. He then blew me away when he said “Ignorance is not an excuse”, you will still face judgement. I later had some points added on my license.

Some people argue that if God is God why does He not stop the bad things all the bad things in the world today? But the simple answer is that God has provided some spiritual laws that we have broken and they have grievous consequences. God cannot stop them because He will be breaking his own law and then his Godliness will be questionable. If somebody deliberately jumps in front of a fast-moving train, it is not the train that killed him, but he has just killed himself by committing suicide. Friends, sinful life styles kill very fast and sometimes very, very slowly and people do not realize it until it is too late.

“The wages (rewards, salary or payment) of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through our Lord Christ Jesus.” Romans 6 verse 23. “And as It is appointed unto men once to die but after this the  judgement.” Hebrews 9 verse 27.

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