It was a life of darkness and a total show of hypocritical religious activities to ascribe some glory to myself and also make my parents proud of me. My parents were really impressed that their obedient son was part of the choir, ministering alongside the orchestra of a well-rated orthodox church with a reputation in the community. But the reality was…
I once lived in darkness, and I mean total darkness which I can describe what it feels like to have lived like that even in the early years of my life. Coming from a Christian background did not really make much difference, but it actually complicated the matter, because what I called ‘being a Christian’ was not even close to being one, I mean having the understanding of what a Christ-life, the new life means. I attended church regularly with my parents and my siblings, and even wore the choir robe and stood on the altar to sing the religious hymns so religiously, but never had a clue to seeing from the perspective of living a life embedded in Christ Jesus.
It was a life of darkness and a total show of hypocritical religious activities to ascribe some glory to myself and also make my parents proud of me. My parents were really impressed that their obedient son was part of the choir, ministering alongside the orchestra of a well-rated orthodox church with a reputation in the community. But the reality was that I never had a real encounter with Jesus, and this was not open to anyone but I am certain it was not hidden from God, my maker. Even I, myself did not know the way it felt to know God, and therefore could not describe the reality of the impact of salvation in the life of a man because I never had one.
I lived in darkness for so many years, until towards the later days of my first university degree.
Seeing the Light
The moment I realised that that I needed light of Christ and accepted Him as my saviour and began to live in light, everything changed. As I grew in the knowledge of God the Creator of heaven and earth, I began to experience the life of Christ in me. This new life brings to activation the new creature which I am now. 2 Corinthians 5:17 states that when “a man is in Christ, he becomes a new creature, and old things have passed away, and all now become new”.
It’s crucial to know that the old man in me is now dead, and the new man lives. If you knew me 20 years ago, the man you knew is now dead, and the person writing now is now the “new man”. There is no point being scared coming close to Jesus, as is the case of many today…they say “My sins are too many…I am afraid, God cannot obviously overlook my heinous sins…they are so terrible and unforgivable”.
Nothing More Matters
As I recently meditated on the epistle of Paul to the Colossians 3:11, “In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us.” If the attention can be taken away from yourself and focus on Jesus Christ, the one that matters, you will find mercy and be set free from the bondage of sin, law and fear. He gave Himself to us when we were even sinners, and He has not come for those that are well, but Jesus came for those who are sick and are clueless about their future.
Whether you are a slave, civilised, uncivilised, free, bound, barbaric, hardened criminal, drug addict, circumcised, uncircumcised, civilian, politician, Jews, gentile, black, white or brown, what matters is Christ Jesus and nothing more can be more matter. “We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne”. (Hebrews 12:2).
As you have been blessed to see the beginning of the month of August, I encourage you today to allow Jesus take the driver seat of the vehicle of your life and you take the back seat. Then I can assure you of a new beginning today.
Do have an amazing month.
Grace and peace be multiplied unto you!