Focus Scripture: II Kings 13:23 NKJV
[23] But the Lord was gracious to them, had compassion on them, and regarded them, because of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and would not yet destroy them or cast them from His presence.
We must understand the person of God, as this will help our walk with him. We can only have a relationship with someone that we know. The character of the person that we are in a relationship with will determine how we will relate to them. When we know people and who they are, it is easier for us to navigate the relationship and live at peace with them.
From today’s focus scripture, we see that God is called gracious, and compassionate, keeps covenants for generations, and regards His chosen people. Despite the inconsistency of the Israelites in their work with God, God chose to be gracious to them, He decided to be compassionate with them and to regard them. That was why He could not destroy them. He also gave them special treatment because of the covenant He had with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
He would not go back on his word. When He gives a word, He stands by it. It is now left to us to keep our own side of the deal. When we come to Jesus, it is a prerequisite to have faith in Him, and that we are consistent in our faith in Him. If God would not go back on his word, that means we should stick to the profession of our faith and be steadfast in the love and grace that we have received from Jesus.
Regardless of what we do or what we engage in during our daily routine, and walk with God, His character will never change because He’s God. Men will change because they are men. And the graciousness of men is only limited because they are only men. But when it comes to God, He’s gracious and He will never act against His character. That was why the Israelites always went back to the sin of idolatry, and God in His mercy forgave them after a while, but they always went back to the same sin just like we always fall short of God’s glory, but the Bible says in 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”. This is because of the character of compassion that God has towards mankind. His compassion is renewed every day, and as believers, we draw hope from this. “Through the Lord’s mercies, we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not.They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23).
We also need to remind ourselves that the devil has come to steal to kill and to destroy, and Christ came that we may have life, life abundance! (John 10:10).
The moment we agree to trust, confess, and put our faith in Jesus Christ, that is a covenant of life from that moment to eternity. No going back! Even when we turn back, He does not turn away from us. Even when we look back, He is ever present, awaiting our return to His love and passion for our souls. Revelation 3:20; “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me”.
Here is the question “Have you at any time opened the door of your heart unto God? Have you opened the door of your heart for Him to come in for a while, and later shut the door against him? Is He currently with you, but you are not taking advantage of having the true undistracted fellowship with Him? Whichever circumstance you find yourself in, He’s there. Always remember His character; compassion, mercy, and Grace, and He keeps His promises forever.