I am not passionately in love with spiders. I appreciate the work they do, but not the way in which they do it! Not to mention the speed of their scuttle! My solution is to place a glass tumbler above and over the spider, and then slide in a stiff piece of card below. In this way the spider can be painlessly ejected from our home in order to continue life elsewhere, and family and the spider can go our separate ways in peace.
It would not be surprising if the Almighty had opted to rescue us with a very long pair of tweezers! With this useful tool we could have been safely lifted up, and then contained in some celestial isolation laboratory where we could no longer harm the environment.
How different is the astounding message of Christmas! The sacred mystery of the Word made flesh. That Jesus has become so completely one with His people that He can present them to Abba with genuine joy and with loving delight!
We were meditating on– Hebrews 2:11
“Both the one who makes people holy, and those who are made holy are of the same family. So he is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters.”
And we felt the Lord was saying:
Rejoice in the glorious mysteries of your faith, and do not be troubled that there is much that you do not understand. How could you expect to fathom the depths of these oceans? If you could find the outer boundaries of the universe and comprehend all its secrets, you would still have done no more than touch the border of My mantle. For My glory is above all, and My ways are not your ways. Nevertheless, I have stooped to take up human flesh, and I have been born into the same world you know.
Truly you are of My family, the family of God, My family, so loved by your Father, so loved by Jesus, so loved by the Holy Spirit. You have become part of My family, a family of love, of indescribable love, a family of such love that the world looks on with incredulity saying “See how they love one another!” And I am so proud to call you brothers and sisters and I, Myself come to help you, and I kiss you with great delight.
I do not stand aloof from your need, but I come to you in blessing again and again. When you are tried and tested I understand, and I am with you. When you prosper and rejoice I rejoice with you. Do not let your heart be troubled, you are called to blessing not cursing, and to victory not defeat. I will never stop doing good to you, I delight in doing you good.