It was the last night of our family holiday together. The moon had risen over the water, and although a stiff breeze was blowing, three generations were involved in trying to launch fire balloons out to sea. We failed to light one at all, two others tore themselves to pieces in the high wind before they became airborne. But we had one great success.
This balloon carried the flame higher and higher into the air, all the time gaining height over the vast ocean. We watched and watched until it finally disappeared in the distance, still high in the air and flying well. There is something emotional about a family celebration, and as long as I live, my heart will carry the memory of that light soaring triumphantly in the darkness surrounding it.
“You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself. Now if you obey Me fully and keep My covenant, then out of all nations you will be My treasured possession. Although the whole earth is Mine, you will be for Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Exodus 19:4-6).
And we felt the Lord was saying:
See what I have made you to be, in company with all My people. You are a special and holy nation and a kingdom of kings and priests to Me and for Me. I am not a slave driver. Those who honour Me will themselves be honoured by Me. I have set you free to serve Me as sons and friends. The courts of heaven are open to you to walk in. My councils have a place for you to sit in and hear My voice and know and understand My will. My throne room is ever open to you to stand before Me with your petitions and prayers.
My wings carry you to the high places where you may soar and mount effortlessly among the mountain peaks. This is freedom and delight. Looking down you can see so much that would be hidden from you if you crept about upon the ground. Carried upon My wings you can escape from enemies who would seek to devour.
What is it to fly? Surely it is to be carried by My Spirit, and to be in that relationship with Me that you soar in worship into the glories around My throne. Earthbound religion is not for you, for you are called to the rapturous freedom of abundant life. Here in the near presence of My majesty you can gain perspective and see how small life’s trials are compared with the wonders of eternity. Spread the wings of worship and let the wind of My Spirit carry you so that you are airborne, not earthbound. Seek the heights for they are your home.
Know that carried upon eagle’s wings you are not alone, for the heights of heaven are awesome but not austere. As you fly higher you come closer home, and many are with you and they approach My courts with great joy like Israel coming to Mount Zion for the feasts.