Multiples are the after-effects of having a radical faith in the creator of heaven and the earth. The process is not complete until a man starts living by faith, not bothered about the normal everyday needs and human insatiable wants, but totally depending upon the original source of all lives, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. One of my spiritual mentors, Reverend Michael Oludipe, as I grew in faith, once told me that the way to actualise your faith is to put it into action.
Regardless of how old you are in faith, a series of actions determines your growth as you walk with God. Imagine a picture in your mind; a father carries his 2-year-old son and throws him up, the boy enjoys these stunts in which his father has involved him. But it never crosses the mind of the little boy that he could fall, because, by the nature at which the brain of that baby is wired, his father would never allow him to fall. At that moment, the boy’s lack of consciousness of evil, failure, disappointment, poverty, infections and ill-luck, but his positive state of mind has made him fully enjoy the special moment with his father. In other words, God requires a man and or woman who can confidently put their faith to use in matters that look impossible, in situations that look incredulous. The 500 years old Noah yielded to the call of God to walk with Him and to help sanitise the corrupt world by building an ark with unusual dimensions and sizes.
I have realised that in walking with God, you must be poised to exhibit a radical faith in Him, with little or no natural influences. In this 21st century, the general knowledge base and sources of information have grown so wide that it becomes easy to rationalise and engage in some analytical and creative thinking, which infiltrate the master copy of God-given assignments, thereby making it less original. This psychological finding has shown action and conclusions about how matters could be established, they must be subjected to analytical thinking – which requires putting together information, thoughts, and careful analysis of events and happenings, adapted from a series of some intelligent predictions.
The other aspect to be considered in this perspective is the creative thinking, which implies that the brain is expected to produce an analysis, based on the level of creativity of such minds. It is also inferred here that the knowledge base and exposure of an individual has a direct effect on the overall outcome of such ideas. The book of Daniel also establishes this in Daniel 12:4 “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Unfortunately during the end time, the scripture established that a significant number of information sources would flood the church and the world at large, causing a drop in the way people receive instructions and commands from God, due to increased knowledge. The immediate consequence of the above development is that the spiritual psyche of a significant percentage of Christians in this age has been impaired, and consequently caused a colossal breakdown in their spiritual sights with contaminated perceptions, even when God has spoken or given a command.
Noah was not trained to use 3D design software, which is used to design structures before they are built. Neither was any of his sons an educated civil engineer. But He who called him has the power to make things happen when you rise up to act on the command with an attitude of faith. The reports published on Google about the ministry God has called you into do not matter, neither does what your friends and families say about your calling. It does not matter what advice the experts have given about your situation and circumstance, what matters is what God has assured you of. Once you are convinced of your calling, be very vigilant, as the Spirit of God will orchestrate a prompting in your spirit and this nudging will launch you into an inheritance in Him, who has called you to initiate a change in your world. “But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons’ wives with thee. And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.” (Genesis 6:18-19).
Considering the command God gave to Noah, it was evident that the magnitude of the assignment was proportional to how receptive and obedient Noah was. In other words, it does not have to do with age, professional accomplishments, level of education, acquired estates, influence or family pedigree or your race, but a function of the firmness of your faith as you walk with God.
It is therefore a strong premise to further establish that there is a direct link between the firmness in a man’s faith in God and the magnitude of the assignment God commits into his hands. Corroboratively, the significant size of Christian leadership structures today has deviated from the plan of God in assigning spiritual tasks to members, based on the above earthly requirements, neglecting some basic spiritual perspectives to doing this. Noah was not the richest, most influential, or most popular during his days, the corrupt era, but because he found grace, and had a radical faith in God, he was chosen to save himself and his family, and eventually changed his world.