Stand Out And Be Outstanding!
In life when you make up your mind just like Daniel to stand out, there is a favour for your standing out. You will be given wisdom, knowledge, understanding and skills. So also, you will dialogue with the king and you will become irreplaceable, and most importantly be ten times better than your contemporaries.
Daniel was one of the very few heroes in the Bible whose record is flawless. He is an example of how to live and work as believer in a hostile environment; man of action, but very much aware of his dependency on God.
Daniel and his three friends were young boys taken captive from Jerusalem and brought to Babylon. They were captured to serve in the kings’ palace, even though they themselves were royals.
Even the enemy knows what is good and wants it.
For these Hebrews guys to be able to serve in the palace, they were to learn the language and the writings of the Babylonians. They must be able to communicate both verbally and in writing. Moreso, they were to be handsome, competent and no default whatsoever. So also, they are to be trained for three years with restricted diet. Their names also were changed to that of the Babylonians.
However, after almost everything about them were changed, it was the turning point for Daniel when they were asked to eat the king’s meal, Daniel and his friends refused and resolved in the heart not to defile themselves with the king’s meal.
At that point, Daniel purposed in his heart that he will not let any man take away his identity, his assignment and purpose. He was a eunuch and cannot eat anything dedicated to an idol. It was at that point hat Daniel stood his ground and that decision made him outstanding and he stood out from the rest.
In life when you make up your mind just like Daniel to stand out, there is a favour for your standing out. You will be given wisdom, knowledge, understanding and skills. So also, you will dialogue with the king and you will become irreplaceable, and most importantly be ten times better than your contemporaries.
Moreover, you will have kings at your beck and call, they will worship your God and promote you with gifts attached. You will be in the position of bringing people to their own purpose and fulfilment in life.
We don’t all have the same calling or purpose in life, so in whatever God has called you to, stand out, make your mark. Be an agent of change.
When you find your place just like Daniel and occupy it, others will find theirs through your own placement.
What is the use of a salt in its shaker?