God is in the business of changing lives: every day and in every way. To grow and change in the natural world, you need food. In the same way, the Bible is spiritual food. It will make you strong, help you develop properly, and it will feed your mind and heart with truth. As with natural food, when we are young we will discover simple but powerful truths which feed us like milk.
Then as we grow stronger, we are ready to digest more solid food (the deeper things God wants to reveal to us to change us even more completely).
Before you met God, you had thought like the world thinks and seen things as the world sees them. You had been taught things by your parents and teachers, absorbed things from TV, books and music and behaved in ways you thought your friends would like. A lot of those things you learnt were good things, but some weren’t. God wants more for you than the limited things the world has to offer.
God operates on a different level; beyond anything our human way of thinking can discover. The Principle is: “To live differently you have to think differently”. “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free”. Truth causes you to become all you were meant to be, and the Bible contains all the truth you need to know.
Getting Started
To set you off on the right track, it’s important to realise that there is a pattern to the Bible. From beginning to end, it is all about Gods plan to save mankind, and have a family for Himself, through Jesus. God loves us, and from the time that Adam chose to go his own way, God has acted to get us back and set us free from all the terrible consequences of the wrong things we do. The plan was fulfilled in Jesus when he died for our wrongdoing and took all the consequence.
Also, He died to restore your relationship with God so that you could literally be adopted as a child into Gods family and enjoy an intimate relationship with him.
Because Jesus is the focus of Gods Plan; when we read the Bible, we should always look for what it is saying about Jesus, and how the events or stories we are reading point to what He came to do. God’s plan also involved giving you the Holy Spirit so you could understand God’s word, so He could reveal to you, things you could not grasp by your human understanding or wisdom. When you give the Holy Spirit the opportunity, He will bring to life the page you are reading and will impart his life through the truths He shows you.