Have you found your place yet, or are you still drinking milk from your church pastors and teachers and yearning for that prophecy to set you on your life track or to give you direction?
Whether we are a relatively new Christians or have been Christians for a long time, it is critical that we wean ourselves off the milk that we receive from our Church Leaders. Of course, we all need to start somewhere and when we are new Christians, we need guidance and reassurance, we need encouraging and building up.
I feel that generally most of us stay in that place for far too long. This isn’t always our fault, sometimes our pastors and leaders don’t encourage us as they should to stand on our own two feet and find our place. As I have said many times in these pages, time is short, Jesus is coming back very soon, and we have a lot of work to do.
We will not find our position, or appointed role in Gods Church by sitting Sunday after Sunday listening to preaches, singing worship songs and having a nice fun time with our Church friends. It will of course be of great benefit to us, providing we are being taught sound biblical truths, though we do need to act on the things we are hearing.
That said once a week on a Sunday attending Church listening to a sermon and having half an hour of worship is not enough. We need so much more than this.
Are you a Giver or are you a Taker?
Are you a servant of Jesus, are you working out your salvation? Or do you just sit back and enjoy the ride, allowing your leaders or other Christian friends to do all the work for you?
A turning point for me in my Christian walk came one Sunday. I had been to church as usual, and I felt that I hadn’t received anything at all from the service. I am sure I’m not alone here. Have you ever been to church and thought ‘I should have stayed at home and had a lie in, that service did nothing for me?’ Well, this particular Sunday, that is how I was thinking and feeling.
The preaching went right over my head, the worship did not lift my spirits, I was bored and fed up and I was whining to myself about how bad the service had been.
Out of nowhere, this Bible verse came into my mind. ‘Jesus came to serve not to be served.’ In that instant something changed within me, and I vowed I would never complain about a church service again, instead I would get on board and get involved. The very next week I was serving coffees, and I have been serving in church and other Christian ministry ever since. That one line of scripture changed me forever. I encourage you today to begin to get involved in the work of the Lord, serving others as said by Jesus Christ.