I have made you and fashioned you for Myself. Indeed I am your portion and your great reward, and it is true that you are My inheritance. See I do not hold Myself back from you. Instead I give Myself wholly to you. Eat of Me, drink deeply of My love. Be filled with Me.
Christmas is on the way. Margaret is already wrapping presents, and the spare bedroom once again begins to look like Santa’s workshop as the decorative parcels pile higher and yet higher until they begin to overflow into my study.
We have eight grandchildren and most of them are married, so we also have at the moment 16 great grandchildren. Even when it is not Christmas it is usually someone’s birthday, and since the majority of us live locally we get to share in all the celebrations. So life for us is an on going festival of giving and receiving, and it is all a great joy. This includes cake, and although one person may blow out the candles, the cake is for everyone – but a piece of that cake is a portion, and one slice of the cake is my portion, and I have a special interest in that! (Whether or not I get to blow out the candles.) I mention this because we were meditating on;
Jeremiah 51:19
“He who is the portion of Jacob is not like these,
for he is the Maker of all things,
including the people of his inheritance—
the Lord Almighty is his name.”
And we felt the Lord was saying:-
“I am yours, and you are Mine. I am your portion and you are My inheritance, and also you are My portion and I am your inheritance.“
Don’t be Content with Just a Taste
I have made you and fashioned you for Myself. Indeed I am your portion and your great reward, and it is true that you are My inheritance. See I do not hold Myself back from you. Instead I give Myself wholly to you. Eat of Me, drink deeply of My love. Be filled with Me. Never have enough of Me. Don’t be content with just a taste or a little sip. I AM all for you – so you be all for Me.
And as you are My inheritance together with all My people – look to yourselves and ponder your thoughts and your ways and let your mind be renewed so that you are a worthy and beautiful inheritance for the Lord Almighty.
We belong to each other. I am yours, and you are Mine. I am your portion and you are My inheritance, and also you are My portion and I am your inheritance. I seek for those who worship Me in spirit and in truth. I embrace those who run to Me for forgiveness and shelter. So live in the joy of knowing who you are and the greater joy of knowing who I am.
The War you Fight is Spiritual
For those who know Me shall do exploits. To them I say “you are My war club”. But the war you fight is spiritual, and not against flesh and blood. By your testimony, by your prayers, I overcome principalities and they are indeed overthrown. So be strong in Me and in the power of My might. For those who are people of the Lord Almighty cannot be little people, and they have a great destiny and a great inheritance.
With love & blessings!
2 Responses
Thank you dear Norman and Margaret. May you both know the deep and rich blessings of the Lord in your lives. Thank you so much for your faithfulness. You are greatly loved xx
Hi Sharon,
Thank you for your comment. May the Lord bless and keep you in His faithfulness. Amen.