Having been through some very tough times and seasons in my life, and having experienced a significant amount of loss, which was quite devastating, I had learnt to see losses as a blessing, and the most paramount for me in all of it is the substance…
The typical life of a believer is such an experience which cannot be determined by mere predictions of what it looks like in the physical, but could only be described by a discerning and Spirit-led persona. In the last decade of my life, I have had a “roller coaster” experience of pain and relief, sweet and sour, ups and down moments, even a time of celebration and a season of weeping. In all of these seasons, what has remained constant is the sovereignty and supremacy of the divine being – God. He is the God of the valley, the God of the mountain, the God of the Night and the God of the day, the God of the good and bad time.
Even when I have seen men change, in their attitudes, dressing and lifestyles, even some have had to change their circle of friends due to change in class and the way they think, act and behave and what they believe, God has not changed.
That confirms the eternality of God – He is the same God of yesterday, today and forever.
The oxymoronic expression; Blessings in Loss, depicts our lives in the new covenant in Jesus Christ. Having been through some very tough times and seasons in life, and having experienced a significant amount of loss, which was quite devastating, I had learnt to see losses as a blessing, and the most paramount for me in all of these is the substance of my faith in Jesus, which will never diminish. In the midst of this array of encounters and experiences, I have found peace, joy and satisfaction in Jesus – my consolation.
Understanding the Workings of God
The confession I have to make is my gradual and extremely painful growth and transitioning into understanding the person and the workings of God, when it comes to walking with Him and carrying our cross as Jesus said to His disciples. The apostle Paul specifically mentioned this in his letter to the Philippians 3:8; “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ”.
The divine perspective of Paul can only become a reality when we are born again, hence exposed to the revelation of our Christian calling. There is a lot of weight which we classify as the essentials of life, but which have taken the position of God in our lives.
God wants to take the first position in our lives, but as long as we are too busy to offer the totality of our lives to Him, we cannot see the full manifestation of His power at work in our lives.
Satisfaction cannot be found in anything else in life – not even in the size of your mortgage, estate or your bank account balance. The prophet Isaiah recorded in; Isaiah 30:22-23 “Then you will destroy all your silver idols and your precious gold images. You will throw them out like filthy rags, saying to them, “Good riddance!” Then the Lord will bless you with rain at planting time. There will be wonderful harvests and plenty of pastureland for your livestock”.
I stand at the door!
Regardless of what you have lost during the pandemic and the global lockdown, being in Christ has made you blessed and rich eternally. As you trust in the Lord and keep your eyes on Him, the Author and Finisher of your faith, He will show forth and comfort you on every side. And if you do not have a relationship with Jesus yet, he awaits you today. Revelations 3:20; “I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends”.
If you say yes to Jesus today, this is the beginning of a journey to peace, glory and everlasting Joy. Be rest assured you are blessed even in your loss.