The manna God was giving to the Israelites, was to change their taste from what they were used to in Egypt. God was actually taking them somewhere that needs everything about them to change, their lifestyle, the food, the dress. Everything they are used to, God was trying to change, but the rabble wouldn’t.
Have you got rabble in your life? You might want to ask, what is rabble, or who is a rabble? According to the scripture in Numbers 11: 4, the rabbles were a group of people who escaped slavery and poverty in Egypt together with the Israelites. Though they were not Israelites, they had greedy desires for delicious food and for the familiar. The rabble were the instigators, they instigated the Israelites to sin against God. They made them complain. The rabbles love their delicious meal and complaints are parts of their lives. For a long time, I thought it was the Israelites that were complaining in the wilderness, but to my surprise, the rabble were the ones that were instigating the Israelites to complain about the manna that was given by God. The Israelites had been eating the manna without complaints until the rabble sowed the seed of delicious meal into their heart, then they started longing for something different.
And today I just want you to look into your life. Do you have rabble in your life? Do you have rabble in your camp, in your family, your ministry, or your workplace? They instigate you against another person to make you find faults in them. The rabble in the family is someone who turns two or three people against one another. They made the Israelites dissatisfied with what God was giving them. They were comfortable eating manner, but when the rabble complained, they started complaining. They started seeing the reasons why they don’t have to eat manna every day.
When God told Moses, He was going to take the Israelites to the Promised Land. He didn’t tell him to take rabble with them. But one way or the other, they mixed with the Israelites. But at some point, they were supposed to go their separate ways, but the Israelites left them to live with them, with their families and their herds and flocks, and then they became a pain in the lives of the Israelites. So maybe at one point in your life, you have allowed some people, out of pity, into your life and have now become a pain in your life, in your family, in your marriage, your ministry. All they do is complain. They are never satisfied. They never see any good things coming out of what you are doing, or do. It’s all about complaints and dissatisfaction.
They make you agitated. The manna God was giving to the Israelites, was to change their taste from what they were used to in Egypt. God was actually taking them somewhere that needs everything about them to change, their lifestyle, the food, the dress. Everything they are used to, God was trying to change, but the rabble wouldn’t.
You’ve got to watch out! You’ve got to look out for the rabble. If you look very deep within, you will see them there. They are everywhere. But what do you need to do? Walk away. Walk away from them because if you don’t, they are going to get you depressed, make you anxious, and eventually lose focus. From the Scripture, it got to a stage where Moses had enough, he said to God; “come on, I can’t do this any longer”. Right, I know that he had good intentions, but the rabbles didn’t. They were out to destroy him.
Moses cried out to the Lord to kill him because he couldn’t cope anymore. And that is what the rabble wanted to kill you and get you out of God’s plans and purpose for your life. So if you want to remain the plans and purpose of God for your life, you’ve got to do away with the rabble in your life, the rabble in your workplace, the rabble in your ministry, and in your marriage.
Moses nearly missed the Promised Land. It was the grace of God that helped the Israelites to get to the Promised Land. Every rabble is evil. They don’t mean well for you. So today, look into your life and see if you’ve got any rabble in your life. If you’ve got any, chase them out before it is too late, before they turn you against God and His plan and purpose for your life. Rabble never meant well. So, I implore you today to look inward, and see who the rabble is and discharge them.