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A Siesta in the Storm

“Easier said than done!” you might say, but it is also easier done than said, when you put your total trust…

Do you know that a sleep in the midst of trouble could save? This might sound unreal but it is true.  I would like to relate a story to you how a sleep actually saved someone’s life from death. Peter was meant to be up and alert in the prison.  He was in chains between two soldiers who were also tied together with him. This obviously would make it extremely difficult for him to escape without them knowing. Surprisingly, Peter slept even in the face of danger and terror, he slept like a baby.

When there was a storm on the Sea of Galilee, and Jesus was sleeping, that might be what Peter remembered while he was in prison and perhaps thought, “Oh, when Jesus was on the boat, on which I was too and was panicky along with everyone else on the boat, Jesus was sleeping.  He was not bothered about the storm.  And when He was woken up from His sleep, I remember Him telling the wind to stop and it did. Jesus then told us that we had no faith at all or if we had, it was too little.  Now I remember that I thought to myself that I was going to make my faith a little bigger, even in my chains and in this prison. Then I could sleep, because I know He’s got my back.”

While he was sleeping, Herod came near the prison, ready to bring Peter for a public lynching. Since he had already gained popularity for killing James, he thought to himself, “Yes, I’ll kill this one too.”  So, he could add to his already gotten accolades. But on getting to the prison, he could not believe his eyes.  What he saw dazed him. He met Peter sleeping; did I hear you say sleep?  Yes, sleep!  Because Herod found Peter sleeping, he could just not fathom what a crazy person Peter was, and therefore felt handicapped.  He could not do anything to him and just went away again.  Peter was saved from death just because he was found sleeping and snoring away.

It has been researched and confirmed that sleep is good for our health, and lack of sleep can cause serious damage to our health.  There is no harm sleeping, but to sleep in the prison while awaiting a death sentence or even in a storm with chains on both hands and legs is courage on another level. 

Humanly speaking, it is unreal and unbelievable.  If I may say, it is when you find yourself in a situation that you know you can’t do anything about, in circumstances that are beyond you, in those periods of pain and confusion, the best thing to do really is to sleep.  In fact, not just sleep but snore if possible.  It is in such situations that God shows up because He does not like to share His glory with anyone else.  When you sleep and forget about the problems you are facing, then God steps in to create a solution, making you rest assured that victory is yours.

With Jesus in the boat of your life, safe-landing is certain.  “Easier said than done!” you might say, but it is also easier done than said, when you put your total trust in Him.  He will save you while you leave everything in His care.  Just as Herod could not do anything to Peter while he was asleep, so also your enemy will not be able to harm you as long you are asleep, leaving all your challenges to God.

When you are asleep, you surrender all to Him who is able to give peace and assurance of solutions to all matters that pertain to your life.  No matter how fierce the storms are, He’s got your back. Like Peter and Jesus, we should never lose sleep because of worry, fear, loneliness, and anxiety.  God’s grace works best when we sleep, He protects us from evil.

So why don’t you grab a pillow, get on the bed, and have a good sleep?

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