“And really, no matter how many square feet of property, or how many yards of land we own in this life, are we ever truly satisfied? Do we constantly seek more, searching for what will make us whole, wondering when we will finally arrive home?”
“There’s no place like home”. These are the famous words of the character Dorothy in the story ‘The wizard of Oz’. But where is home? What does it look like? Maybe you can associate certain smells with home. Maybe you know when you are home because you recognise the atmosphere. Perhaps home is your family.
Growing up, I never experienced ‘home’, not really. The word home had negative connotations for me. I didn’t know that sense of belonging that others have described to me. I have been building a home as an adult for my family, and I now know home as somewhere that feels reasonably safe and comfortable. I have made rules and traditions. I have opened our door to others and learned about hospitality and community.
And now as I sit in my living room and survey the stacks of boxes surrounding me, as I take in the chaos of our scattered belongings, I realise that I am still not really at home. This is the place we came to as newlyweds and made our own. This is where we had our babies. Our friend’s middle daughter took her first steps just feet away from where I’m sitting! The memories are tangible; laughter in the kitchen, tears in the bedroom, fear in the night, joy in the morning.
My heart has played out the full spectrum of emotions within these walls for over a decade, to the soundtrack of birdsong, children’s play, conversational hum and the rhythm of life. My feet have pounded these streets through the seasons; the ones which dictate the weather and those of the soul. As we swap one set of bricks and mortar for another, I know neither of them really belongs to me. As it says in Romans 11, verse 36 – “For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory.” That’s alright by me, because one day, they will become dust. They hold no eternal value. And really, no matter how many square feet of property, or how many yards of land we own in this life, are we ever truly satisfied? Do we constantly seek more, searching for what will make us whole, wondering when we will finally arrive home? The truth is, we will never experience real satisfaction on this side of heaven.
Heaven, that is home. That is where our Father will welcome us with open arms. The closest taste of home that I have experienced here on earth is community. We cultivate home, when we are together; messy, requiring forgiveness, giving grace, building relationships, being accountable, we declare war on darkness, and a little bit of heaven touches earth.