My life to this point has been a mixed bag of experiences and events, similar to every other person’s in many ways. I am after all, human as you are, we share the same world and live on the same planet. We eat and drink because these are what make us human. Life to this point has been interesting but not all good, (it never promises to be all good anyway). All my life I have always been searching, searching for what you might want to ask? I don’t know about you, but these days, our everyday life seems to be more hectic and rushed. And with so little time to enjoy at a slower pace, it’s easy to be overwhelmed.
My search has taken me to prayers, funny enough! People pray to different gods or believe in different things. We believe to do good to other people. What goes around comes around. Some pray to Allah, Buddah, Jesus even?
Is Jesus a swear word? Do you know Him? Do you know who He is? These and others have been my questions. Who is Jesus to me? Who is God to me? The answer is not straight forward. My mind, being occupied with questions about life, love, happiness and all the things we all care about, has taken a battering, which brings me to this point in time. I would say more later, but for now, I want to express something important to me. That is to say I have begun to find hope. And having suffered from mental illness for some time, I am in a better position, perhaps to relate to others in their difficulties.
‘’What is it all about to me?’’ JESUS, what God has promised to give us is hope through Jesus, the son of God. The baby in a manger, we celebrate every Christmas. And the one and only God, who says to us even now ‘’Let me help you’’ He can help because, He is able to. And He wants to, because He is a God of love. I have dedicated my time and life to pray to Jesus. My life is ordinary in many ways like anybody else. I am not, as you might say, a fruit cake. And what I am discovering, through prayer and many years of searching, is that He is a God of love and He loves and has great interest in me. He listens and comforts. No situation in this world is perfect, not even life in itself. But I have experienced the reality in recent weeks, even as I am writing this, my life has been so much improved by His Grace.
I can say with confidence, that Jesus, the son of God, who lived and died as a man to relate to me, has begun to shed the light of hope on my path and has also made provisions for all my needs. And the most important aspect to my story is that it does not end, for the love of God endures for ever. I am also convinced that my in Him, you too, can have a life that does not end, but extended with grace, and something better.
Colossians 1:27 “To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” If this struck a chord with you and you want to find this hope, reflect, and ask. In other words, consider it for a moment, and ask Jesus that if He is real, would He show you, and what it means? What does it look like truly speaking? To be loved perfectly by someone that offers you the chance to never die. The circle of life continues naturally, of course. But at the end, if you have accepted Jesus as master, then your fate is sealed, and only for free, you are welcome. Welcome to eternity, into paradise, where suffering and tears cease. And life continues, taking on new beginnings.
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