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Christians and The Green Theology

The mandate to dominate and rule the earth does not imply that we should maltreat other creatures (not just human beings alone). Rather it implies that we must be careful and mindful of our activities as they affect other creatures within the ‘Garden’.

Christianity is not just a faith of the heart, like theology which is simply the study of the word of God, or better still the study of God!  But the Christian faith is such a dynamic faith because it is meant to affect wherever it exists. Thus, the bible or the Christian religion is not an abstract thing. It is a way of life that must influence the entire society.  After the Creation, Green theology is the second as recorded in the holy bible. Green theology is all about Christianity and ecology. It focuses on the Christians’ concerns for the environment. Considering the challenges of the global warming and other environmental crises (like flood, deforestations etc) there is need for Christians to rise to the issues of environmental problems. Unfortunately, it has been observed that Christianity especially in Africa seems to have less concern for environmental issues. Christians in Africa seem to be too spiritual to care for their environments.

The idea of Green theology lies on the first mandate given to mankind by God at creation in Genesis 1: 28 – 30;

28. God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them
        reflecting our nature
    So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea,
        the birds in the air, the cattle,
    And, yes, Earth itself,
        and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.”
    God created human beings;
        he created them godlike,
    Reflecting God’s nature.
        He created them male and female.
    God blessed them:
        “Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge!
    Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air,
        for every living thing that moves on the face of Earth.”

29-30 Then God said, “I’ve given you
        every sort of seed-bearing plant on Earth
    And every kind of fruit-bearing tree,
        given them to you for food.
    To all animals and all birds,
        everything that moves and breathes,
    I give whatever grows out of the ground for food.”
        And there it was.(The Message version of the Bible)

Unfortunately, it has been observed that Christianity especially in Africa seems to have less concern for environmental issues. Christians in Africa seem to be too spiritual to care for their environments.

You Have a Responsibility of Care

Thus, man being the hallmark of God’s creation was put at the helm of affairs after creation. He was adequately charged with responsibilities of caring for the environment. Therefore, exploring ‘green Christianity’ can be a positive, enjoyable and fulfilling part of Christians’ response to God’s call on holistic living. No doubt, the very survival of planet and every living thing in it is based on how well we understand the need to care for our environment using our God given authority.

The mandate to dominate and rule the earth does not imply that we should maltreat other creatures (not just human beings alone). Rather it implies that we must be careful and mindful of our activities as they affect other creatures within the ‘Garden’.

 As Christians we have been called into a holy life of caring, tendering and keeping our environment clean. In this age of global warming, the contemporary Christians should address the following areas among others:

  1. Use of mobile and concern for your neighbors
  2. Noise pollution by churches; many are sick today because of noise pollution from church services and programs
  3. Waste disposition and bush burning
  4. Use of chemical/weed killers on the greens around us
  5. Arbitrary use of car horn
  6. Water pollution by religious activities like spiritual birth, among others.

Be Concerned About Your Environment Today

Christians should start a campaign on the biblical management of our environment all for our benefits and God’s glory. The use of the Pulpit should not just be limited to ‘spiritual sermons’ and breakthroughs. It should also be a place where people are well informed about the totality of life. Many diseases can be averted today if only Christians obey simple environmental laws. The civil authorities must be alive to their responsibilities of enforcing every environmental law and policy according to the law of the land with all sense of equality and justice.  Be concerned about your environment today, for Adam’s early purpose was to give care to the Garden of Eden. This is our own Eden and we must keep it safe.

The civil authorities must be alive to their responsibilities of enforcing every environmental law and policy according to the law of the land with all sense of equality and justice. 

Green Theology points out that the biblical emphasis is on stewardship not ownership that the earth remains the Lord’s (Psalm 24:1) and does not belong to its human inhabitants.


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